Saturday, September 8, 2018

Egg Drop Bunker

The goal of this project was to create a 3D printed egg bunker that would protect the egg from a 6 feet drop while being the lightest it possibly can. Caroline and I decided to focus more on protecting the egg rather than how much it weigh. We knew we wanted the egg to be tightly suspended by rubber bands. We accomplished this by creating two layers. The outer shell which was modeled after a icosahedron which has twenty triangular sides. We then carved out the triangles and only kept the outlines. The inner layer was a typical two piece egg shell with 3 hooks on each piece. We then tied the rubber bands around the icosahedron and attached it to the hooks of the inner layer, suspending it in the middle of the icosahedron. Although, the egg didn't survive the fall perfectly, our bunker managed to protect the egg very well with only a few cracks. If we were able to improve on this project, we would've add padding in the inner layer to protect the egg even further. 

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