Monday, September 24, 2018

Bio-Mimicry Study : Structures and Patterns

To continue of in-depth study of nature, we had to pick one of the two object we previously studied. I chose the artichoke because the structure of the artichoke is much more complex. The artichoke also allows for more in-depth observations when cut open and observed from various angles. This time we were assigned to look at the structure and patterns appeared on the artichoke and compared it to other natural or man made materials. The pattern of the petals on the artichoke resembles many plants such as sunflowers and the lotus pattern. The pattern can also be found fish scales and reptile skins such as snakes. The petal acts as a barrier to protect the core, therefore the outer layers are a lot tougher than the ones inside. The shapes of these petals are almost triangular shapes. The stem also forms patterns when looked at from different angle such as from the top. From an aerial view, the tubes inside the stem that surrounds the main channel form dew like shapes and surrounds the channel in a rhythmic way. 

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