Saturday, September 22, 2018

Bio-Mimicry Study : Artichoke

The second object I chose for this project was an artichoke. The outer layer of the artichokes are made up of an even pattern of petals laying on top of one another in between petals. This creates a very uniformed look. The petals has an outward motion, however as time passes and the artichoke began to decompose, the petals begin to shrivel up and create and inward movement. Unlike the outside of the artichoke, when cut open you can see that the petals a re layers even more on top of one another, almost in a line waiting to reach the surface. Toward the center the petals are more delicate, and as they grow outward they become more sturdy and defined. The stem of the artichoke is  made up of multiple lines that attaches to one another to make a main channel to transport water. However around the main channel, there are also small tubes to help transport the water. Like the carnations, the artichoke also has a center from which it grows out of, the stem.

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